For over two decades RINA Systems has been developing innovative software technologies from portfolio analytics for traders to text analysis, search and predictive coding for Big Data and document review.

Rinalogy Search
Find what You need in Big Data. Accurately. Quickly.
Rinalogy Search is a next generation search tool that uses machine learning to interactively learn from each user to return personalized results based on user feedback.
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Rinalogy Classification API
Rinalogy Classification API is a scalable natural language processing, machine learning and predictive analytics service that can be used to add text classification, search and recommendation capabilities to your application and be deployed in your own environment.
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Sentio Software offers technology solutions that use Rinalogy API natural language processing, machine learning and predictive analytics to identify and classify the most relevant documents out of a large corpus with unprecedented speed and accuracy. Sentio was created in partnership between HLP Integration and RINA Systems.
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